Tuesday 19 May 2020

Reflecting on Lockdown

One of the most commonly asked questions during Lockdown has been “What do you miss the most?” Is it your family, your friends, your job, your routine or just your freedom? For me it’s physically being with my children. My son and daughter are both grown up, married and we haven’t all lived in the same house for about 7 years. However, we do see a lot of each other for weekly meals, walks and holidays. We speak on the phone most days as well as the Family Whatsapp messages. Up until now, we’ve barely gone more than a fortnight without seeing each other and today it has been exactly 8 weeks!

I’ve never been so grateful for technology during this time. Being able to Facetime and meet together on Zoom for quizzes and a chat has kept me going. It has been amazing that we can see each other’s faces but it doesn’t make up for the fact that we can’t be together. When we end those calls I have an overwhelming sense of sadness that they are not actually in my living room or around my table. I miss their physical presence.

All of these virtual conversations got me thinking about my relationship with God, who I can’t physically see or always hear but I know he is there. What would it be like if I could have a Zoom or a Whatsapp conversation with God? Well I know that you can’t hide anything from God so those people that have their virtual meetings only half dressed, hiding their pyjama bottoms from view would be found out. God knows our thoughts and our feelings. Psalm 139 reminds us “You know my thoughts from afar ... You are familiar with all my ways.” We cannot pretend with God and we need to be reminded that he accepts us just as we are. We don’t need to adjust the camera angle, check the lighting so we look our best or say that everything’s fine when really we’re having a bad day. He knows us and he loves us just as we are.

There is also no time limit with God. He will never say “your time is up, you need to book another 40 minute slot”. He will never say” I’m about to run out of battery so we better finish up now”. Even if we lose our focus when we’re talking to him, freeze out or even become disconnected, God won’t ever get fed up, give up and end the conversation.  2 Peter 3 v 9 “the Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, instead he is patient with you”

I have weekly training sessions on the Big Blue Button and there is sometimes an awkward silence and I’m never sure whether it’s worth unmuting myself to make a contribution to the discussion. Thankfully that could never happen with God, he listens, he waits and enjoys hearing us whatever we have to say, without judging. Psalm 145 says “The Lord is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.” I’ve learned during this time that sometimes just sitting with God is good. I don’t have to talk, I can be still and sit quietly with him. It’s not an awkward but rather a comfortable silence. When God listens he gives us his undivided attention, unlike me on a virtual call where I’ll be looking at the books on your shelf, the pictures on your wall and wondering why there’s a pair of socks on your sofa! God focuses just on us.

Most significantly, when we come to the end of talking with God there is never an ‘end of call’ emptiness. There is never a feeling of that’s it now, I’m on my own again. He is always with us. I am reminded of the verse in Deuteronomy 31, “the Lord your God goes with you, he will never leave you or forsake you.”

So finally, last week Boris said that we could meet up with one family member. So in an hour’s time I’m going to meet my son and tomorrow I’m going to meet my daughter. It might be bending the rules but we will be 2 metres apart and there will be no hugging and as you can imagine, I can’t wait!


Thank you Heavenly Father that you are delighted when we talk to you, that you listen to us attentively, that you know us and accept us just as we are. Thank you that you are always there and that you will never leave us,



I would encourage you to read the book “How to Pray – A simple guide for normal people” by Pete Greig. It has changed my life!


Written by Jane Williams

Teacher of MFL at Bluecoat Aspley


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Our final post is a contribution from Bishop Paul. Many blessing on this Pentecost Sunday.