Tuesday 26 May 2020

Working From Home

Last week, we celebrated the Ascension of Jesus. I saw a post on social media that explained this day very well. 

I found it quite funny to reflect on how skilled Jesus is at working from home, just as we are all getting used to it! Maybe I should have asked Jesus for more advice about Microsoft Teams and online learning after all!

The Ascension is a great day to reflect on. Many churches miss it out a little bit and I think that's a real shame. My church tends to go big on Ascension Day, but even there it acts as a bit of a prelude to the 'more important' event of Pentecost. So, I thought I'd reflect on the Ascension a bit in this blog. (Better late than never...)

On this day, Jesus gave three clear messages that needed to be followed by the disciples. These messages are messages that are still relevant for disciples today.

1. "Go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."

2. "Teach[ing] them to obey everything I have commanded"

3. "I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

Easy, yes? All you have to do to be a disciple is proclaim the Gospel, teach people to be like Jesus and remember, even when going through a global pandemic, Jesus is with us. 

This is difficult stuff. In fact, shortly after this, the disciples got it wrong (again) and went and locked themselves away, too scared to act on what Jesus had commanded. A locked room with no wi-fi is hardly the best place to spread the Gospel! We are all guilty of this sometimes, though, and no one can get it right all of the time. However, one thing I have taken great comfort in during this pandemic is point number three. God is with me. He's working from home and yet is still truly present in this world. 

Last week, on Ascension Day funnily enough, I had to have a difficult conversation about a project I'd put a lot of time and energy into. I came away from the conversation feeling deflated and a defeated, like the project wasn't worth the hassle anymore. After putting so much time and effort into something, constructive criticism feels like a crushing weight. Just as I was ready to give up on previous efforts, I received this through the door:   

On the very same day I had that conversation, I received this card from another colleague, thanking me for my effort and time. The weight I felt was lifted. The project must continue! My friend had already heard about my day and my concerns earlier that morning, and later, after reading this, I thanked her for it. What great timing! Her response was, "I'm so glad God prompted me to send it." There He goes again, working from home! 

I urge you to think about how God may be directing your steps and leading you during this time. In the monotony of staying at home so much, where is God? He wants to be in touch and He wants to remind us all that He is with us always "to the very end of the age."


Using Jesus' directives to His disciples at the Ascension, let's see how you can respond to his great commission today. 

1. Share your testimony in some way; how is God working in your life at the moment.
"Go and make disciples of all nations..."

2. Post your favourite teaching from the Bible on to social media. "Teach[ing] them to obey everything I have commanded"

3. Look out for three signs this week that tell you God is here. 
"I am with you always"


Father God, open our eyes to your presence in our lives. Help us to listen when you prompt us and be open to your call. We thank you that you are a loving God, present in our world and not distant. Thank you for guiding us through these difficult times and giving joy to those who need it. Help us to be like your Son today. 

Written by Kirsty Lacey

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Our final post is a contribution from Bishop Paul. Many blessing on this Pentecost Sunday.